Infra-Red Scanning

Today’s building owners are saving hundreds of millions of dollars every year with infrared testing of their low-slope roofs. Our professional infrared and nuclear roof inspections can substantially reduce your roof repair and replacement costs by:

  • targeting problem areas for effective repair
  • creating money-saving replacement options
  • identifying sound roof sections for conservation
  • improving specifications for more competitive bidding

Our certified thermographers use state-of-the-art cameras to capture the “thermal signature” of the roof’s nighttime heat loss. The infrared image pinpoints the extent of moisture damage and wet insulation within the roof. Our inspection teams precisely mark out the damaged areas on the roof surface, so you can save tens, even hundreds of thousands of dollars in unnecessary repairs or replacement. Infrared roof scans can also be a big help in locating sources of roof leaks.

Infrared thermography is a proven scientific method for evaluating roofing condition. Our professional infrared roof inspections provide the in-depth, unbiased information that owners and facilities managers need to deal effectively with their roof systems—the most critical and expensive asset of most physical plants.